The Sein s.r.l. is specialized in designing transport infrastructures. Particularly It has high experience in designing road, railway and pedestrian bridges.

The principal typologies of projected bridges are:

 -           Prestressed concrete, prefabricated and not prefabricated;

-          -           Truss or steel-concrete composite structures;

-          -           Progressive span by span constructed bridge and structural phase modeling;

-          -           Seismic isolation with elastic and elastoplastic devices

The principal purpose is to guarantee the structural safety considering the highly seismic national territory conformation.

The design takes place applying the  national antiseismic normative with the support of Eurocodes and USA norms.

 The company uses as software of structural analysis Sap 2000.

 In the calculation of the structures, the following analisy are developed:

-           Linear;
-           Modal;
-           Step by step Integration;
-           Non linear.

We handle also advanced analysis techniques like : Bulking analysis, multiple P-Delta effects, control of strains, consecutive constructive phases and seismic isolation.


Here on the side are some structural models of the bridges, developped with SAP 2000

SEIN srl Via E. de Nicola, 93 03043 Cassino (FR)  Contatti e-mail: